Confidence boosting tips for going wig-free

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Wigs

Wearing a wig can provide the confidence boost many people with permanent or temporary hair loss need to go about their day their way. While everyday wig wear is an option lots of individuals rely on, taking breaks from your favourite wig style is recommended, especially during the winter months when the cooling weather dries out wig fibres. Going wig-free however is easier said than done.

Living with hair loss after all doesn’t just impact you physically. It affects your mental health and wellbeing as Psychreg details:

“The loss of hair, often linked to personal identity and attractiveness, can wreak havoc on an individual’s self-esteem. This reduced self-confidence can manifest in multiple ways, including social withdrawal, reduced job performance, and strained interpersonal relationships. In more severe cases, this decrease in self-esteem can lead to a depressive state.”

Wearing a wig you love is a fantastic way to feel confident and comfortable with your new look. But, while hard, learning how to go wig-free can have even better long-term rewards. In this blog post, we share our top tips for going wig-free with confidence.

Ease yourself into your new look

You don’t have to go from relying on your wig everyday to going wig-free. Easing yourself in at a pace you are comfortable with is the key to success as well as revealing all to the friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances that may not be aware of your struggles with hair loss.

Making the transition from wig to cover-up is a step we’d certainly recommend, and you get to look so stylish in the process! Here are just five fabulous cover-ups to experiment with.

Become more than your hair

Your hair isn’t the only feature to celebrate from the neck upwards. Many people who make the move from daily wig wear to wearing no wig at all suggest making an extra effort elsewhere. Whether you’re a makeup or beauty fan, love accentuating your lashes, or have a huge collection of earrings, shifting the focal point can make a big difference to those confidence levels.

Think positive – people might just surprise you

Human beings are inquisitive by nature so while most won’t look twice, you have to be prepared to receive a few glances when you’re out and about.

You’re likely to be more conscious about those prying eyes than ever. Yet chances are the people who do peer over are simply intrigued by your story or impressed by how fabulous you look! Don’t be afraid to be proactive in your responses and share your story, especially when it comes to children and any questions they may have.

Remember, you are strong, brave and beautiful!

Going wig-free for the very first time can be daunting and difficult. But remember, whatever your story, you’re brave, strong and truly beautiful. Take on this challenge like any other, and bring a trusted friend or family member along for the ride, the right support can make all the difference.