Should I use sulfate-free shampoo?

by | Nov 30, 2022 | Wig care

Sulfate-free shampoo is the latest hair care product that is causing a buzz within the beauty industry.  

The presence of sulfates, not just in our shampoos but in a wide range of products, is a much-talked-about topic. But, why have sulfates got such a bad reputation? And what damage can they really do to your natural hair or your wig? In this blog post, we answer these very important questions…

What are sulfates?

Sulfates are essentially the salts that are created when chemicals combine and react with sulfuric acid.

Sulfates have been used widely in the formulation of many products – including liquid soap, shampoos, laundry detergents, toothpaste and bath bombs – thanks to their lathering properties. Yet their use in everyday household products isn’t without risk.

What’s the problem with sulfates?

The use of sulfates has been connected to a long list of health problems, such as eye, skin and lung irritation.

Exposure to certain sulfates over a longer period of time (i.e. with prolonged use of sulfate-containing products) is even suspected to increase the risk of cancer, infertility and development problems, however, there is no direct evidence of these links. What has been proven however is the drying, pore-clogging and acne-causing effects sulfate-containing products can have on the skin.

The use of sulfates doesn’t just impact humans. The production of sulfates has a negative impact on the environment too as Dr. Brite details:

“Sulfates and several synthetic oils like palm oils are pretty controversial these days, and for good reason. The greenhouse gas effect that is driving the majority of climate change is only exacerbated by producing sulfates and oils like palm oil. These products are really wasteful even if they do come with benefits for their users (and even that’s debatable).”

How do sulfates affect the hair?

Sulfates may be applauded for their lathering effects and thorough cleansing abilities, but the latter isn’t always a good thing. Being overzealous with the cleanliness of your skin or hair can actually cause damage. Overcleaning will strip away the natural oils that are integral to skin and hair health, especially if you already have dry, brittle, damaged or colour-treated hair.

When used in hair care, the drying effects of sulfates can result in poor scalp health, brittle or frizzy hair, itchiness, and inflammation, all of which makes thinning and hair loss more likely. For people with colour-treated hair, using hair products that contain sulfates will make your hair dye fade much faster.

Should I use sulfate-free shampoo?

Opting for a shampoo that is free from sulfates can unlock a number of benefits for your natural hair or wig. Whilst many of the more serious side effects of sulfates are still yet to be scientifically proven, going sulfate-free will provide the peace of mind you need for the long term as well as preserve skin and hair health.

In addition to exploring the growing number of sulfate-free shampoos out there, switching to other sulfate-containing products in your hair and beauty regime for sulfate-free alternatives will help you minimise the downsides of sulfate use.

Find the hair care products you need to take care of your wig right here at Wigs4u.