Could aloe vera be the secret to scalp health?

by | Dec 1, 2021 | Wig care

Taking care of your scalp is just as important as taking care of your hair system or wig. If you’re suffering from temporary or partial hair loss or thinning, looking after your scalp becomes an even bigger priority, as celebrated hairdresser and certified trichologist Guy Parsons explains:

“It is essential that the follicle and the scalp, at point of exit, are clean, clear, healthy and maintained; follicles that are full of sebum or blocked by dead skin, dandruff or infection will have an impact on the quality of hair growth. In fact, permanently blocked or obstructed follicles may eventually cease to produce hair at all.”

A healthy, well maintained scalp is better placed to strengthen the hair, and provide moisture to ease dryness and irritation.

Whatever your wig shape or style, finding the products that protect and nourish what’s hiding underneath will enhance scalp health and make wig wear as comfortable as it should be. But could aloe vera be the secret to great scalp health? Hair care experts certainly think so!

In this blog post, we take a closer look at the benefits applying aloe vera to your scalp could unlock.

Promote hair health

A healthy scalp often equals healthy hair. Thanks to its vitamin rich and high collagen content, aloe vera is the perfect formula for taking care of your scalp and hair. It promotes healthier cell growth, and is also useful for remedying sun damage.

Whilst studies are yet to prove that applying aloe vera to the scalp prevents hair loss, the vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid it contains is particularly beneficial to hair health.

Reduce itchiness and inflammation

Dandruff is an issue for many people, including those that wear wigs on a daily or occasional basis. A dry, flaky scalp isn’t just itchy and irritating, it’s unsightly, with the presence of dandruff having a confidence-knocking impact on every part of our lives.

Applying aloe vera to the scalp is a natural remedy that reduces dandruff and relieves the uncomfortable side effects of this very common issue. According to this study, the anti-inflammatory nature of the fatty acids aloe vera contains effectively treats dandruff and reduces skin inflammation.

Heal scalp conditions

Along with dandruff, there are a number of conditions that affect the health, condition and appearance of the scalp. Eczema and psoriasis are common scalp conditions, but with the nutrients and anti-fungal properties that aloe vera delivers, you can heal and manage scalp conditions naturally.

Aloe vera is also particularly hydrating, providing an essential moisture bomb for dry, parched scalps affected by eczema and psoriasis.

Cleanse gently but deeply

Unbeknown to most, your scalp needs the same tender loving care as the rest of your skin. If you have oily skin, it’s likely that your scalp produces excess sebum too. Sebum production can also be increased by the use of hair products.

To keep excess oil under control, you don’t need to rely on chemically laden scalp treatments. Aloe vera provides a gentle formula that cleanses skin deeply, removing the excess oil that can leave your scalp and hair greasy and excessively shiny.

Looking for other ways to protect your scalp? Explore the benefits of scalp protectors right here.

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