Max Hold Sport Glue

Max Hold Sport Glue


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Walker Tape


Max Hold Sport 1.4oz Brush on, Max Hold Sport 1.4oz Dab on

Available in a 1.4oz bottle as Dab on OR Brush application.

This product will extend the life of any tape or glue. Its the ultimate skin – prep product. Normally you would have to wait 24 hours after your fitting to shower or work out but not with Max Hold Sport. You can get active right away and will get a longer hold time than you have ever had! You will have longer hold times with this one simple products. Apply one to two coats of Max Hold Sport to the scalp before you apply any adhesive. Please keep in mind that you need to press down and break the seal on the sponge before use. Let dry, then apply your adhesive on top. No need to wait 24 hours to get the adhesive wet. Enjoy all the activities right after application. Apply, and go for instant, secure hold.

Patch Test

  • Place a small amount of tape/adhesive/remover on an area of sensitive skin.
  • Put a band-aid over the tape/adhesive/remover and leave for 24 hours.
  • Remove the band-aid after 24 hours and check for any reaction.  Also, check to make sure that the product didn’t release from the skin.
  • If there is any redness or irritation, do not use the product.
  • If no irritation occurred and the product was secure on the skin, you can use with confidence.
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