How long do wigs last?

A great fitting wig has the power to deliver endless variety, convenience, coverage and even a confidence boost to its wearer. Whatever your motivation for exploring our range of quality wigs, or your budget, making your wig last will certainly be on your mind when...

Your guide to using wigs as a protective style

There are many reasons why people turn to wig wear, from concealing the effects of cancer-related hair loss, alopecia and hormonal changes to the chance to simply emulate your favourite celebrity without any lasting consequences. Yes, wigs mean different things to...

How fast is hair supposed to grow?

Hair growth rates vary from individual to individual, but knowing what’s normal and what’s not certainly matters, especially if you are worried about hair loss and thinning. Whether it’s a family history of hair loss that’s made you anxious about the vitality of your...

Natural ways to boost hair growth

When improving the health and vitality of your hair, going au naturel certainly matters. Natural hair solutions rule for so many reasons, with products that put natural ingredients first kinder to you and the planet as natural hair care brand Bouclème details: “Many...

Is keratin important for hair health?

If your New Year’s resolution is to finally get a handle on hair loss and thinning, the secret to strengthening and revitalising those locks may be simpler than you think! As a building block of strong hair, keratin is something of a buzzword in the hair care market....
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